Towards Remediation of Indonesian New Fine Arts

  • Iswahyudi Faculty of Language and Arts
Keywords: mooi-Indie art; modern Indonesian art; realism, Sudjojono; Heri Dono


Modern Indonesian painting mainly developed from the situation of the Dutch East Indies and Mooi-Indie art that was dominant at that time. The independence of the Republic of Indonesia became a very important milestone in the development of modern Indonesian painting. This is inseparable from the occurrence of a high dynamics and change through various political regimes in power starting from the leadership of Sukarno, Suharto and subsequent presidents. Each of these political regimes also played an important role in the development of modern art that occurred so as to bring out its own characteristics. Until the early 1990s, talking about art was something that seemed synonymous with painting. Although works of art with a combination of mediums have been included in exhibitions since the 1970s, but works in the form of paintings are still very dominant, even in some writings on art the imaginary boundary between painting and other art is discussed explicitly, but the term "Painting" is usually interchangeable with the term "fine art". The development of art that has become increasingly hybrid has helped to shape the climate and new audience, affirming real ideas that are at odds with painting that has already been established. Being different from established art knowledge, hybrid art agents become newcomers who find a place in the struggle in the realm of Indonesian art. Western characters which are an important consideration for painters become subject to change in the fourth phase. This change is caused by a variety of things, including the emphasis on the use of traditional forms, symbolic and decorative, because as a reaction to the political situation. Since 1942-1965, Indonesians have produced more figurative art. The pioneers in this field are artists who when abroad are like in the United States, Europe, and Japan already acquainted with traditional non-Western art in the arena of modern and international circuits.


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