The Legal System of Scotland as a Hybrid Legal System
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This scientific article analyzes the legal system of Scotland, which, as you know, is not subject to English (common) law. The paper addresses the question of which legal family it is a part of.
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How to Cite
Kozhevnikov, V. V. (2023). The Legal System of Scotland as a Hybrid Legal System. Polit Journal Scientific Journal of Politics, 3(2), 45-55.
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[15]. Saidov Akmal Kholmatovich. Comparative law: textbook / ed. V.A. Tumanov. M.: Jurist, 2000.Pp. 253, 255, 346-358.
[16]. Grafshonkina Anastasia Andreevna. The evolution of institutions of state and law in Scotland: author. diss...cand. legal Sciences. M.: RUDN University, 2016. P. 12.
[17]. Trikoz Elena Nikolaevna. Hybrid legal systems and their place in a mixed legal family // Bulletin of the University. O.E. Kutafin. 2017.№4. Pp.93, 94, 95.
[18]. Kozhevnikov Vladimir Valentinovich. Methodology and history of law: textbook in 2 parts Omsk: OmGU im. F.M. Dostoevsky. 2008. Part 1. P.193.
[19]. Sorokin Vitaly Viktorovich. Legal global studies: textbook. Barnaul: Altai State. un-t, 2009.P.5.
[20]. Chervonyuk Vladimir Ivanovich. Theory of state and law: textbook. M.: INFRA-M, 2006. P. 696. 21. David Rene. The main legal systems of modernity (Comparative Law). M.: Progress, 1967. P.45
[21]. David Rene. The main legal systems of modernity (Comparative Law). M.: Progress, 1967. P.45
[2]. Kodanaeva Svetlana Igorevna. British regionalism (constitutional reform). M.: Yurist, 2004. Pp.7, 13.
[3].David Rene, Spinozi Jean-Christophe. Basic legal systems of our time / transl. from French Vladimir Alexandrovich Tumanov. M.: International relations, 2003. P.208.
[4]. Marchenko Mikhail Nikolaevich. Comparative Law: Textbook. M.: Prospekt, 2011. P. 412.
[5].Tikhomirov Yuri Alexandrovich. Comparative Law Course. M.: Norma, 1996. P. 120.
[6].Malko Alexander Vasilyevich, Salomatin Alexey Yurievich. Comparative jurisprudence: educational and methodical complex. M.: Norma. Pp.105-106.
[7]. Romanov Alexander Konstantinovich. Law and legal system of Great Britain. M.: Forum, 2010. Pp. 61, 63.
[8]. Reshetnikov Felix Mikhailovich. Legal systems of the countries of the world: a reference book. M.: Jurid. literature, 1993.Pp.36, 37-38.
[9]. Judicial system of Scotland-Wikipedia // (date of access: 05/13/22)
[10]. Grafshonkina Anastasia Andreevna. Features of the formation of the Scottish legal system // Bulletin of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Legal Sciences. 2013.№4. P.208.
[11]. Bogdanovskaya Irina Yurievna. Law in English law: M.: Nauka, 1987.S.80.
[12]. Marchenko Mikhail Nikolaevich. State and law in the context of globalization. M.: Prospekt 2008. Pp.296-297.
[13].Behruz Khashmatullah. Comparative law: textbook. M.: TransLit, 2008. Pp. 126, 127
[14].Osakwe Christopher. Comparative Law: A Schematic Commentary. M.: Jurist, 2008.P.153.
[15]. Saidov Akmal Kholmatovich. Comparative law: textbook / ed. V.A. Tumanov. M.: Jurist, 2000.Pp. 253, 255, 346-358.
[16]. Grafshonkina Anastasia Andreevna. The evolution of institutions of state and law in Scotland: author. diss...cand. legal Sciences. M.: RUDN University, 2016. P. 12.
[17]. Trikoz Elena Nikolaevna. Hybrid legal systems and their place in a mixed legal family // Bulletin of the University. O.E. Kutafin. 2017.№4. Pp.93, 94, 95.
[18]. Kozhevnikov Vladimir Valentinovich. Methodology and history of law: textbook in 2 parts Omsk: OmGU im. F.M. Dostoevsky. 2008. Part 1. P.193.
[19]. Sorokin Vitaly Viktorovich. Legal global studies: textbook. Barnaul: Altai State. un-t, 2009.P.5.
[20]. Chervonyuk Vladimir Ivanovich. Theory of state and law: textbook. M.: INFRA-M, 2006. P. 696. 21. David Rene. The main legal systems of modernity (Comparative Law). M.: Progress, 1967. P.45
[21]. David Rene. The main legal systems of modernity (Comparative Law). M.: Progress, 1967. P.45