Effect of Organizational Culture, Career Development, and Job Satisfaction on the Quality of Employee Work-Life at the Airport Management Office of Mopah Class I Airport, Merauke

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Mery Noviyanti


The study aimed to test and analyze the effect of organizational culture, career development, and job satisfaction on the quality of employee work-life at the Airport Management Office (UPBU) of Mopah Class I Airport, Merauke. The study used a quantitative research design and collected data through questionnaires distributed to all 110 employees of UPBU of Mopah Class I Airport, Merauke. The data analysis used multiple linear regression. The findings showed that organizational culture, career development, and job satisfaction had a positive and significant effect on the quality of employee work-life. These results serve as evidence of the importance of fostering a supportive organizational culture, providing career development opportunities, and ensuring job satisfaction to improve the overall quality of employee work-life.


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Jamaludin, Suratini, & Mery Noviyanti. (2024). Effect of Organizational Culture, Career Development, and Job Satisfaction on the Quality of Employee Work-Life at the Airport Management Office of Mopah Class I Airport, Merauke. Economit Journal: Scientific Journal of Accountancy, Management and Finance, 4(3), 204-217. https://doi.org/10.33258/economit.v4i3.1155


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