The Role of Communication Media in Improving Students Achievement at Faculty of Da'wah and Communication, IAI Al-Aziziyah Samalanga Bireuen Aceh
The focus of this study is the role of communication media in improving students achievement at Faculty of Da'wa and Communication, Al-Aziziyah Samalanga. To answer the focus of the study thoroughly and in depth, in this study used a descriptive qualitative research method that is useful to provide facts and data about the communication media of students at Faculty of Da'wah and Communication, IAI Al-Aziziyah. The data obtained were analyzed using the theory of usage and satisfaction in order to obtain several activities when communicating. From the results of the study it was found that: (1) communication media used by students of Da'wah and communication Faculty, IAI Al-Aziziyah namely books, newspapers, magazines, television, BBM, Line, Whatsapp, Facebook, Youtube and (2) the way how to use media student communication of Da'wah and Communication Faculty, IAI Al-Aziziyah namely; join the Whatsapp, BBM, Line group with the aim of exchanging information between friends, faculty, or even between campuses, watching the training videos related to lectures, following a kind of toefl school on Facebook. The role of the communication media in improving the achievements of students of Faculty of Da'wah and Communication, Al-Aziziyah Samalanga is to make it easier for them to look for references because wherever and whenever they can access them. So as to shorten and save time and place.
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