Cultural Meaning of Monument Building in the Life of Toba Batak Tribe in Pangururan and Palipi Subdistricts, Samosir Regency

  • Corry Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Simalungun
  • Ulung Napitu Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Simalungun
  • Supsiloani Anthropology Study Program, Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Resna Napitu Faculty of Economic, Universitas Simalungun
Keywords: meaning; culture; monument; Batak tribe; Indonesia


This study aims to analyze the cultural meaning of monument building in the life of Toba Batak tribe in Pangururan and Palipi Subdistricts, Samosir Regency. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods that are relevant to the phenomenology methodology. The results of this study indicate that the general meaning of the monument building process contained in the lives of Batak Toba community in Samosir Regency can be categorized into two, namely the meaning of the monument buiding in terms of religion and culture. From the aspect of religion consists of (1) The Meaning of the Sacralization (2 ) The Meaning of the Position of Soul (3) The Meaning of the Blessing (4) The Meaning of Strengthening Alliance Bonds. From the aspect of monument building culture is considered a unifying bond between all descendants of the clan, and the ancestral spirits of clans, namely: (1) The Meaning of the Unifying Clans (2) The Meaning of the Conflict Resolution (3) The Meaning of the Raising Social Status. (4) The Meanings as Stamps for Regional Ownership (5) The Meanings of Clans Identity (6) The Meaning of Social Prestige Exhibition.


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How to Cite
Corry, Ulung Napitu, Supsiloani, & Resna Napitu. (2020). Cultural Meaning of Monument Building in the Life of Toba Batak Tribe in Pangururan and Palipi Subdistricts, Samosir Regency. Britain International of Humanities and Social Sciences (BIoHS) Journal, 2(2), 392-402.